Young crocodile riding the back of a giant hippo mistakenly thought it was… a rock – News

The funny moment when a young crocodile was startled to discover that the “rock” he was leisurely basking in the sun on was actually… the back of a hippopotamus, caught the lens of photographer James Armstrong (39 years old).
Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 1


James Armstrong took the photos above when he and his friends went to the Klaserie Game Reserve Private wildlife sanctuary. 

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 2

At that time, the weather was hot and the temperature increased, causing  the giant hippo  to submerge 4/5 of its body underwater to cool down, revealing only its big, wide and sturdy back. The young fish mistook the hippo’s back for a rock and crawled up.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 3

James Armstrong said that when he started taking photos, he did not realize the truth. However, after a few minutes of careful observation, James noticed something unusual and discovered that the young crocodile was lying on the back of the giant hippo without even realizing it.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 4

The moment the hippo felt moved and moved its body, the baby crocodile “stopped” in fear. It lay quietly on the hippo’s back and waited for everything to pass smoothly.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 5

 Seemingly too scared, the young crocodile did not dare to move. Meanwhile, the giant hippo didn’t seem to care much about the young crocodile’s confusion, it remained submerged underwater and calmly.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 6

Indeed, the young crocodile was lucky because the giant hippo was in a relaxing time and did not show any anger.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 7 In reality, only young crocodiles have the courage and stupidity to climb onto the back of the giant hippo.
Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 8

 Mistaking a hippo’s back for a rock and leisurely lying on it basking in the sun can be a fatal mistake, costing the crocodile his life.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 9

 Living together in the river, hippos and crocodiles have had many life-and-death clashes, with most victories going to the giant hippopotamus. 

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 10

Although known as the death crocodile, famous for its thousand-pound bite, due to the large difference in size and weight, crocodiles often lose to the most ferocious hippos in the world.

Young crocodile riding a giant hippo's back because it was mistaken for... a rock photo 11

When encountering drought, falling into the hippo’s battlefield, crocodiles always have no choice but to endure the battle and eventually die in front of the hippopotamus’s terrifying attacks.

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