What’s Your Name, Stud? Meet The World’s Most Handsome Horse, Frederik, Whose Lustrous Mane Changes Style According To His Mood And Drives The Fillies Wild – News

He’s the real life Black Beauty.

And Frederik The Great, a breathtakingly beautiful Friesian stallion from the United States, may just be the world’s most handsome horse.

Sharing his name with the ruler of Prussia from 1740-1786, the highly acclaimed horse has a muscular build, striking black features and flowing mane.

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The mane attraction: Frederik The Great is a breathtakingly beautiful Friesian stallion from the United States


The mane attraction: Frederik The Great is a breathtakingly beautiful Friesian stallion from the United States


Fabulous Friesian: The horse's lustrous mane and shiny coat have won him over a legion of admirers 


Fabulous Friesian: The horse’s lustrous mane and shiny coat have won him over a legion of admirers


Mirror mirror on the wall: Frederik is said to be the fairest of them all, with many dubbing him the world's most handsome horse


Mirror mirror on the wall: Frederik is said to be the fairest of them all, with many dubbing him the world’s most handsome horse


The beautiful stallion is owned by Pinnacle Friesians where he stands at stud in the Ozark Mountains in the US.

With a Facebook fan page of more than 12,500 followers and a blog to his name, the stunning stallion has amassed quite a hefty fan following.

So popular is the horse that an online gallery featuring artwork of him has been created.



Lustrous locks: ‘That hair! It’s like someone crossed a horse with the hunky lead from a romance novel,’ Boredom Therapy wrote

Stunning stallion: Frederik is as photogenic as he is handsome 


Stunning stallion: Frederik is as photogenic as he is handsome


A breathtaking video shot recently shows Frederik galloping freely, with his long black mane billowing in the wind.

‘That hair! It’s like someone crossed a horse with the hunky lead from a romance novel,’ Boredom Therapy wrote.

The equine treasure’s legacy will continue with his first offspring born in August 2015.

Vaughn, a Friesian colt, shares the same striking appearance as its father and at just nine months old is completely adorable.

Frederik The Great commands a stud fee of more than AUD$7,500.

By comparison, Frankel, one of the world’s greatest ever racehorses, has a service fee of more than AUD$250,000.

Drawing comparisons: 'It's like someone crossed a horse with the hunky lead from a romance novel,' Boredom Therapy wrote


Romance: The comparison put Frederik in the same league as heartthrob Fabio Lanzoni (pictured)


Drawing comparisons: ‘It’s like someone crossed a horse with the hunky lead from a romance novel,’ Boredom Therapy wrote, putting Frederik (left) in the same league as heartthrob Fabio Lanzoni (right)


Sending hearts fluttering: 'There will NEVER be a more majestic, handsome, sexy horse on the face of the earth,' one person wrote


Sending hearts fluttering: ‘There will NEVER be a more majestic, handsome, sexy horse on the face of the earth,’ one person wrote


Fans of Frederik The Great have expressed their love for the handsome horse.

‘Frederik, you are the most beautiful horse that I have ever seen. Only God could of created such artistry. Breath taking & magnificent,’ one person wrote.

‘There will NEVER be a more majestic, handsome, sexy horse on the face of the earth. Never, ever. I wish I could just touch and ‘smell’ him just once,’ wrote another.

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