Unleashed Adventures: A Man and His Husky Dog’s Extraordinary Global Odyssey – Media Plus Real


You can have several friends in your life depending on your personality. If you like to have sophisticated people around you, then the people around you would be more sophisticated. If you prefer to be with realistic ones, then you would be with people who are serious about life and who have authentic opinions about things. However, some people love to be with animals and their best friends are not humans but animals.

Kelly Lund has always been an animal person. He loves to be with animals and particularly to be with dogs. He is the proud owner of Loki who is an enormous wolfdog and the two are having the best time of their lives together. Kelly always makes sure to take Loki wherever he goes and as he believes, pets should not be kept locked up but they should be taken out and owners should let them enjoy freedom.

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Most of us think that it is nice and fashionable to have a pet. We see Insta models, famous actors and influential people having pets with them and when looking at those pictures, you might have also felt like having a pet for you. But, having a pet is not an easy thing. You cannot neglect it when you are done taking pictures! Pets are just like humans and they also feel all kinds of emotions. When you neglect your pet and treat them in harsh and mean ways, they also grow to be rude and cruel and they might even be willing to bite you.

However, when you treat your dog, cat or any other pet that you have, with love and kindness, you would see them growing into happy creatures and they would love you from the bottom of their hearts.

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Kelly has made an Instagram account for Loki, and there you can find pictures of the duo having the best time of their lives. When looking at Loki you can see how happy the dog is and through this example, Kelly shows how important it is to love and let your pet enjoy life.

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away
So, if you have a pet make sure that you treat him the right way and don’t have a pet just to keep it locked up in the backyard.

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

Guy Takes His Wolfdog On Adventures Because He Doesn’t Like To See Dogs Locked Away

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