Two monkeys fighting in the middle of the park.hongvien – News

Recently, a British photographer named David Williams has published photos of two monkeys fighting for territory, making viewers very satisfied. It is known that this set of photos was taken at Tama Zoo

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a  park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 1.

Magical punch

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 2.

“Jumping sheep” over the opponent

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 3.

This is a mouth

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 4.
Where to run to escape

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 5.

Magical hair pulling

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 6.
The inner work is as profound as the Chinese film

Two monkeys fight with fire in the middle of a Japanese park to compete for the title of American Monkey King

Hai chú khỉ đánh nhau tóe lửa giữa công viên Nhật Bản để tranh chức Mỹ Hầu Vương - Ảnh 7.

Uncompromising battle

Pictured is the Macaque monkey, also known as the snow monkey. Snow monkeys belong to the Old World monkey family, usually living in areas covered with snow for many months in a year. Thanks to their thick fur, this monkey can cope with colds down to -20 degrees Celsius.

According to the share of photographer David, snow monkeys live in a large outdoor area. The older monkeys will relax in the pool to cool off while the younger ones enjoy teasing and fighting.

“I really enjoy witnessing the graceful movements and amazing agility of the snow monkeys,” David said.

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