Three cobras wrapped ɑround a tree trunk after beιng retᴜrned to the forest – News

The image shows three Indian spectacled cobras, also known as naja naja, entwined and slithering around the tree trunk. It’s rare to see three cobras together in one place, especially in that pose.

This is the moment three venomous king cobras tangle themselves around a tree after being released into the wild in India

Indian spectacled cobras are known for their distinctive appearance, with a black or dark brown body and a large spectacle-shaped marking on the head hood. They are poisonous and can be found in various parts of India including the central and southern regions.

Nilesh Wankhede, 32, captured the sighting as the snakes climbed a tree in Melghat Tiger Reserve in western Maharashtra state

Cobras are considered sacred by many Indians and are often associated with religious beliefs and cultural practices. Despite their revered status, cobras can be dangerous if threatened, and their venom can be deadly.

Nilesh Wankhede (pictured), who works as a guide at the reserve, had rescued the snakes from three different places in Harisal village adjoining the reserve on Wednesday

The photo shared by the IFS officer and captured by the wildlife photographer is a testament to the beauty and complexity of Indian wildlife. It is a reminder that we must continue to protect and preserve these creatures and their habitats for generations to come.

In conclusion, the photo of the three cobras coiled around a tree trunk is a rare and beautiful sight that showcases the unique and diverse wildlife found in India. We must make sure that we protect and conserve these animals for future generations to appreciate and admire.

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