Septuplet cheetah cubs with impressive observers feasting on their fur in the Masai Mara – News

A cheetah has given birth to a giant litter of seven adorable cubs who have already escaped from a lioness’ cage.



In the wild, cheetahs typically give birth to three to five cubs, and are vulnerable to predators from birth, so seeing seven siblings together is very nice.

The baby Ьᴜmрeг was spotted this week in the Maasai Mara by photographers Yaron Schmid and Amy Montminy.


A cheetah has given birth to a giant litter of seven adorable cubs who have already escaped from the cages of a lioness


In the wild, cheetahs typically give birth to three to five cubs, and are vulnerable to stress from birth, so seeing seven siblings together is very nice.

The baby Ьᴜmрeг was spotted this week in the Maasai Mara by photographers Yaron Schmid and Amy Montminy.



The couple, who run YS Wildlife Photography and Safaris, were with guests when their guide Dominick Maatany showed them the cubs.

Being a cheetah cub is dangerous and they had already escaped from the cages of a lioness who had tried to kill them the night before.


Wildlife photographer and veterinarian Yaron said luckily for these little cats they had a smart mother called Siligi to look after them.

He said: ‘Amy and I are back home after leading another amazing safari and our guests were lucky enough to see it all.


Being a cheetah cub is dangerous and they had already escaped from the cages of a lioness who had tried to kill them the night before.


Wildlife photographer and veterinarian Yaron said luckily for these little cats they had a smart mother called Siligi to look after them.




The adorable little cheetahs were spotted near the Enkewa camp in the Masai Mara.

But the highlight of the trip was undoubtedly seeing Siligi the cheetah with her seven cubs.

‘They’re only a few weeks old and they’ve already been through a lot. Our amazing guide, Dominick Maatany, was the first to spot this extremely spectacular sighting.

‘The night before these photographs were taken, a lioness tried to kill the cubs, but Siligi was clever enough to distract her and the cheetah escaped with two of the cubs.

“We left her that night, very sad and worried about the fate of the other five puppies, but Dominick did it again and saw her the next morning with the seven puppies.”

Yaron said: ‘They’re only a few weeks old and they’ve already been through a lot. Our amazing guide, Dominick Maatany, was the first to spot this extremely spectacular sighting.



Amy Montminy, who runs YS Wildlife Photography and Safaris with Yaron, said it is hoped Siligi will be able to raise some of the cubs to adulthood.


Cheetah cubs experience a fluid survival rate due to predators such as lions, hyenas, etc., as well as diseases.

The adorable little cheetahs were spotted near the Enkewa camp in the Masai Mara.

Amy Montminy, who runs YS Wildlife Photography and Safaris with Yaron, said it is hoped Siligi will be able to raise some of the cubs to adulthood.

She said: “Cheetah cubs experience a fluid survival rate due to predators such as lions, hyenas, etc., as well as diseases.”

“Only about 10 percent of cheetah cubs reach maturity, so seeing seven cubs at once from a litter is a great joy.”

‘This mother, whose name is Siligi, will hopefully see one or two of these cuties into adulthood.



Researchers working with Dr. Elena Chelysheva often keep an eye on the cubs in their research vehicles.

Only about 10 percent of cheetah cubs reach maturity, so seeing seven cubs at once from a litter is quite an adventure.

‘She is comfortable in Mara, where she will experience many hits from cars, as well as other ргedаtoгѕ.

“But the Mara cheetahs are also helped by the Mara Meru Cheetah Project, where researchers working with Dr. Elena Chelysheva often keep an eye on the cubs in their research vehicles, making sure the tour vehicles stay at a safe pace. appropriate distance.”

“ᴜпforгtᴜпаteɩу, one of the research vehicles crashed and as a result its researchers cannot be in the field, so Siligi will not have that additional level of protection unless critical funds can be raised for the project.”

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