Remarkable Achievement: Giraffe Calf Strides Confidently After Leg Brace Treatment at San Diego Zoo Safari Park – Media Plus Real

Absolutely adorable  Glad to hear that several spe.cialists came together to address this calf’s various [me.dical] problems & now she is doing well. 

The female calf — named Msituni, was born at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with hype.rextension of the carpi — bones equivalent to those in the human wrist.

Msituni’s condition caused her front legs to be.nd improperly and made it difficult for her to stand and walk. After noticing the abnormalities, the wildlife health and care team at the California park started coming up with a tre.atment plan to help with the calf’s mobility.

The baby giraffe also had several [ ailm.ents] following her birth and had to [take intravenous ant.ibio.tics] for abnormalities in her blood. The calf’s caretakers also gave Msituni specialized hoof extenders to fix the irregular position of her back legs.

So glad the braces worked and she is thriving 

All of the calf’s trea.tments led to success. Msituni is no longer receiving ant.ibio.tics, the braces have been removed, and her legs are now correctly positioned. The calf can stand and walk more comfortably now and is building up strength.

Msituni has done so well that her wildlife care team recently introduced her to the rest of the giraffe herd in the safari park’s East Africa savanna habitat.

Kristi Burtis, the director of wildlife care at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, said: This was an important step in Msituni’s natural development. As her bond grows with the herd, she will be able to learn behaviors and skills important to the development of a young giraffe.

He looks so happy. Big smile. Perfect 

Giraffe leg braces

The birth of every animal is a cherished event, and Msituni’s su.rvival in the face of so much makes it all the more remarkable
A wonderful example of humans doing a great thing to help an animal in need.

Thanks to all the hard working folks that helped this cutie!
So happy ,that she’s going to be ok, wonderful news,and thanku so much to everyone involved,just fantastic to see her standup. Sweet little one! Beautiful!

Praying this cute little giraffe has a healthy, happy life with his new legs! 

Welcome to this old world little one.

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