Giant 319kg ‘sabre-tooth’ lion-tiger crossbreed dubbed ‘world’s biggest cat’ bred in US – News

A GIANT beast dubbed the world’s biggest cat is drawing comparisons with the terrifying prehistoric sabre-toothed tiger.

Incredible clips of the monster-sized liger – the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tiger – have sparked an amazing reaction after they were uploaded on YouTube and Instagram.

 Giant Apollo was seen with Mike Holston (right) and conservationist Kody Antle

Giant Apollo was seen with Mike Holston (right) and conservationist Kody AntleCredit: YOUTUBE / THE REAL TARZANN

 The monster-sized liger is the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tiger

The monster-sized liger is the hybrid offspring of a lion and a tigerCredit: Instagram

Mike Holston, who has the social media name The Real Tarzann, showed off one astonishing clip of him taking the 705lb (319kg) beast for a walk with a pal.

The huge feline – called Apollo – was seen with Mike and wildlife conservationist Kody Antle in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, reports the Star.

On the clip Kody says: “This big guy’s name is Apollo and he is the biggest cat on the planet.”

Mike then adds: “Now the question is, what would this thing eat? I believe it would eat everything in sight, anything in sight.

“I think a pack of these things would take down a herd of elephants on the regular for a snack.

“Such a majestic beast, and it can get up to 40 miles an hour in a couple of steps.”

And those that have seen the remarkable clip and others of Mike with Apollo are clearly very impressed.

On seeing a separate Instagram video, one even said the giant cat was the same size of a sabre-tooth tiger – which went extinct 42,000 years ago.

Another person said: “That ain’t no cat, that’s a monster.” A third said: “This liger is INSANE.”

Ligers are mostly found in zoos and are the largest big cat in the world weighing up to 795lb – almost double the weight of either a lion or tiger.

They can reach an outstanding length of 12ft and stand more than six ft tall.

 The huge feline weighs in at 705lb, which is around 319kg

The huge feline weighs in at 705lb, which is around 319kgCredit: Instagram

 This incredible image shows just how big the big cat is

This incredible image shows just how big the big cat isCredit: instagram
 Ligers are mostly found in zoos and are the largest big cat in the world, weighing up to 795lb

Ligers are mostly found in zoos and are the largest big cat in the world, weighing up to 795lbCredit: YOUTUBE / THE REAL TARZANN

 Apollo is being compared to the sabre--tooth tiger which went extinct 42,000 years ago.

Apollo is being compared to the sabre–tooth tiger which went extinct 42,000 years ago.Credit: Getty – Contributor

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