Cute Enough To Melt The Coldest Of Hearts: Baby Seals Just Days Old Pictured Rolling Around In The Snow – News

With their adorable big round eyes and fluffy white fur, these baby seals are cute enough to melt any heart.

The harp seals, aged between two and 10-days-old, roll around in the snow and explore their new surroundings.

Snow cute: With their adorable big round eyes and fluffy white fur, these baby seals are cute enough to melt any heart


Snow cute: With their adorable big round eyes and fluffy white fur, these baby seals are cute enough to melt any heart

Brrrilliant: The harp seals, aged between two and 10-days-old, roll around in the snow and explore their new surroundings


Brrrilliant: The harp seals, aged between two and 10-days-old, roll around in the snow and explore their new surroundings

Heart-warming: The images were taken by in the Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada, by Belgian photographer Ellen Cuylaerts

Heart-warming: The images were taken by in the Gulf of St Lawrence, Canada, by Belgian photographer Ellen Cuylaerts

The 44-year-old spent three days with the seals when she visited a breeding site earlier this month.

Cuylaerts, of Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, says: ‘It’s truly beautiful to watch the little ones get all cosy on the ice.

‘To be there, in the middle of their habitat, was a really great experience.

‘The pups basically fill their days with sleeping, eating and getting fat. They spend their first 12 days feeding on very high fat milk from their mothers.’

Photographer Ellen Cuylaerts said: 'It's truly beautiful to watch the little ones get all cosy on the ice'


Photographer Ellen Cuylaerts said: ‘It’s truly beautiful to watch the little ones get all cosy on the ice’

'The pups basically fill their days with sleeping, eating and getting fat,' said Cuylaerts


‘The pups basically fill their days with sleeping, eating and getting fat,’ said Cuylaerts

Cuylaerts, who visited the seals with her husband Michael, watched as the newborns' coats lost there yellow hue and turned completely white


Cuylaerts, who visited the seals with her husband Michael, watched as the newborns’ coats lost there yellow hue and turned completely white

Cuylaerts said that the biggest threat against the seal population is humans


Cuylaerts said that the biggest threat against the seal population is humans

Having gained the trust of the seals, Cuylaerts was able to get within one metre of the pups by lying flat on her stomach and shuffling slowly towards them.

Cuylaerts, who visited the seals with her husband Michael, watched as the newborns’ coats lost there yellow hue and turned completely white and fluffy over the course of two days.

The fur of the harp seal, a species native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic Ocean, is a highly valued commodity, and animal rights groups continue to campaign against hunters who target seals.

Hunted: The fur of the harp seal, a species native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic Ocean, is a highly valued commodity


Hunted: The fur of the harp seal, a species native to the northernmost Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic Ocean, is a highly valued commodity

Cuylaerts was able to get within one metre of the pups by lying flat on her stomach and shuffling slowly towards them


Cuylaerts was able to get within one metre of the pups by lying flat on her stomach and shuffling slowly towards them

Animal rights groups continue to campaign against hunters who target seals


Animal rights groups continue to campaign against hunters who target seals

Loll: The seals love resting on their backs in their icy home

Loll: The seals love resting on their backs in their icy home

Bliss: This seal looks totally content as it basks in the sun

Bliss: This seal looks totally content as it basks in the sun

Adorable: This seal fixes Cuylaerts with its big brown eyes

Adorable: This seal fixes Cuylaerts with its big brown eyes

Cuylaerts says: ‘For the harp seal, the biggest threat against their population is humans as the clubbing of seals is still happening.

‘When the pups are aged between one and twelve-days old, they cannot be killed but, after the seal’s fur starts to molt, the hunt is on.

‘The seals are defenceless, not able to swim away or get away! It is cruel and unnecessary.’

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