A hᴜngɾy leopaɾd jumρs ιnto a water hole to cɑtch a fish and emeɾges spotless and coʋered ιn mᴜd. – News

Abel Coelho, who took the dramatic photos in Botswana, said: “Throughout the whole episode and for a while there was silence, we were in disbelief.”

Fishing can be dirty work, just ask this leopard.

The big cat was caught on camera jumping into a muddy water hole to eat its lunch before emerging, looking almost as black as a panther, thanks to a covering of mud.

In these dramatic images, the spotted predator stands above the waterhole in the Savuti Channel in landlocked Botswana in southern Africa, ready to pounce.

When a fish appears below the murky surface, the animal springs into action.

A leopard prepares to jump into a muddy puddle to catch a fish on August 13, 2015 in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

Prepared: The leopard looks pretty neat as it stands over the waterhole pawing at the surface   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

A leopard prepares to jump into a muddy puddle to catch a fish on August 13, 2015 in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

Big Dipper: The predator is ready for an attack   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

Showing quick reflexes, the leopard dives.

Moments later, he emerges spotless and covered in mud, clutching his lunch, a rather large fish, in his jaws.

Savuti ospreys are known for their unique fish-catching abilities, but have rarely been photographed.

The leopard is partially submerged in the muddy puddle while trying to catch a fish on August 13, 2015 in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

Gone fishing: Leopard dives into muddy puddle after spotting a fish   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

A leopard emerges from a muddy waterhole with its fish dinner on August 13, 2015, in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

Something fishy: Leopard emerges with its catch in its mouth   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

Electrical engineer Abel Coelho, 57, took the photos during a photo safari with Earth Ark Safaris.

Abel said: “Our guide got a tip that there was a leopard in the hippo pool area, so we went to investigate.

“We did observe catfish in the pool, but the idea of ​​leopard fishing seemed very remote at the time.

A leopard leaps into a muddy waterhole to catch a fish on August 13, 2015, in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

No chips? The big cat climbs out of the watering hole, presumably for lunch   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

A leopard leaps into a muddy waterhole to catch a fish on August 13, 2015, in the Savuti Channel in Botswana.

Feline fine: The images were taken in the Savuti Channel, Botswana   (Image:  Greatstock/Barcroft Media)

“The leopard made its way into the channel and into the pool, in typical cat fashion, half stealthy, half indifferent, unhurried, occasionally staring into the pool.

“Cautiously, the leopard entered the pool, seeming not to really enjoy the muddy conditions, made its way to the center, paused for a brief moment, and in an instant, dove into the quagmire.

“Throughout the entire episode and for a bit afterward there was silence, we were in disbelief, in awe and felt a sense of euphoria.”

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