Cardi B showed off the outfit and prosthetics that she almost wore to the 2024 Met Gala.

To this year’s “Garden of Time” themed Gala, Cardi wore a huge Windowsen gown designed by Sensen Lii. She garnered some controversy for her appearance after she “forgot” how to pronounce Sensen’s name and instead said her dress was made by an “Asian designer.”

However, the most significant change that was almost made was Cardi’s makeup. Viral makeup and drag artist Alexis Stone appeared in her second GRWM TikTok to apply prosthetics, beginning on her arms.

Oh, what could have been.

As to why she didn’t go with the prosthetics, she said in another video, “I was just a little bit scared how the pictures were gonna come out. A lot of people, they’re not creative like me. We think outside the box.”

Plus, she added that her dress was originally going to be bigger. “I’m mad at the Met Gala because they made me cut my dress,” she later joked in the video.

So anyway, Cardi talking about making “WAP” while in old lady makeup is an image that will stick around in my head for a while.