The US military has evidence of UFOs, but dares not publish them for this reason

The US military has a lot of evidence and also takes the potential threat from unidentified flying objects very seriously.

The US military holds a lot of evidence about UFOs.

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are defined as phenomena that can be observed, but whose origin cannot be identified or explained.

While many scientific organizations around the world explain UFOs as unusual natural phenomena, military organizations consider them a “threat”, and even coming from another civilization.

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Are UFOs real?

In an article posted on the government website The Black Vault, a US Navy spokesperson confirmed that they are holding a lot of video evidence showing the existence of UFOs – or UAPs in military terms.

Unfortunately, these videos cannot be widely released, because the US fears they will “harm national security.”

Mr. Gregory Cason, Deputy Director of the US Navy’s FOIA office, explained that disclosing this information could provide enemies with valuable information related to the operations of the Department of Defense, the Navy, vulnerabilities and in security and safety systems.

This reminds us of a revelation by Dr. Robert Jacobs, former US Air Force Lieutenant in October 2021, when he said that “Evidence of UFOs was covered up for nearly 2 decades”.

In the information shared, Jacobs revealed that he was instructed to keep it a secret at all costs. In the end, he carried out the order for 17 years.

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Many theories suggest that UFOs originate from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, this argument remains controversial and unproven (Photo: Getty).

But in the end, the former Air Force Lieutenant felt he could no longer continue, and spoke out to admit that the US used many ways to cover up evidence of the existence of UFOs.

“These are the most important events in human history, and should not be kept secret,” Jacobs said at the time.

Unsolved mystery?

To date, only three UFO videos have been released by the US Navy in April 2020, and all of them are unexplained phenomena. Prior to that, several videos were leaked to the media and widely discussed in the public domain.

There is no denying the fact that the US has always taken the potential threat from UAPs very seriously. In May 2022, the US Department of Defense (DOD) even held its first public hearing on UFOs since the 1960s.

The hearing mainly discussed a Pentagon report in June 2020, revealing that US pilots had seen UAPs a total of 144 times since 2004. However, the results of the hearing were not as expected, and many big questions such as: “Where do UFOs come from?” “Are they from alien civilizations?” remained unanswered.

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An image taken from a video recorded by the US military shows the movement of an unidentified flying object caught on the plane’s radar (Photo: Getty).

Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon intelligence officer, believes that some UFOs are completely irrational and beyond the limits of human technology. Given the evidence before his eyes, he believes that it is not impossible that these flying objects are things that have existed on Earth for a long time, even before humans appeared.

Luis Elizondo hypothesizes that Earth, with its virtually limitless supply of water, could act as a “fueling pit stop” for planets across the galaxy without humans even knowing.

Ash Ellis, a conspiracy theorist and owner of the UFO Identified website, which publishes stories and reports about UFOs, also believes that there must be a reason why military bases often attract UFOs.

“History shows that UFOs are often seen around military bases or nuclear facilities. So if they are making a ‘spy’ visit to us, they may be particularly interested in our weapons and technology,” Ellis speculated.

However, Ellis also noted that UFOs do not necessarily mean alien spacecraft, but could be anything that has not yet been identified.

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