In contrast to the colorful and rebellious image of Harley Quinn, Margot Robbie is known for her luxurious image, exuding a bright aura that makes everyone admire every time she appears at major events. Recently, on the red carpet of the 2019 SAG Awards in Los Angeles, Australian actress Margot Robbie “captivated” everyone when appearing in design number 59 in the Métiers d’Art Paris-New York collection with a inspired by ancient Egypt.
Margot Robbie wore a Chanel outfit when appearing on the red carpet at the 2019 SAG Awards event.
This is design number 59 in Chanel’s Métiers d’Art Paris-New York collection with inspiration from ancient Egypt. The dress design is handmade with extremely delicate beaded details.
The outfit left a deep impression with the image of an “Australian rose” that is extremely sexy yet still absolutely luxurious. The elaborate hand-woven details “take” up to 100 hours of work for the workers at Chanel. Margot Robbie completed the outfit with a metallic gold clutch along with luxurious Chanel jewelry with gold earrings studded with pearls, yellow sapphires and diamonds.
Margot Robbie wore Chanel high jewelry with gold earrings studded with pearls, yellow sapphires and diamonds.