On the Prowl: Heart-Stopping Encounter as Motorcyclist Crosses Paths with a Free-Roaming Tiger – Media Plus Real

A 250 kg tiger in the Tadoba Andhari tiger reserve, India. Photo: Caters News Agency The Daily Mail last week reported that a large tiger was photographed by photographer Bhargava Srivari,…

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Unveiling Nature’s Rarity: 33+ Stunning Photos of Albino Animals – Media Plus Real

Albinism is a genetic condition that affects many animal species, including humans. This condition results in the absence of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair,…

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Wildlife worker shows bond with lions while playing with them – Media Plus Real

Un financiero suizo que renunció a su trabajo para cuidar una manada de leones en Sudáfrica ha compartido imágenes aterradoras que lo muestran acercándose a los feroces animales. Las imágenes…

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Boy has a “special bond” with a huge pet python – Media Plus Real

El niño tiene un ‘vínculo especial’ con la mascota pitón Pueblo cautivado por un niño de 7 años que duerme la siesta y se acurruca con la pitón de 16…

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Service Dog Earns Honorary Diploma for Dedication in Helping Owner Through College – Media Plus Real

It’s graduation season once more, and many deserving students are receiving their diplomas and celebrating years of hard work. But among the graduates at Seton Hall University was an unexpected…

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In a wild showdown, a Komodo dragon and a python face off as wild dogs and crocodiles circle a kudu caught in the middle – Media Plus Real

En la naturaleza indómita de la isla de Komodo en Indonesia, se libra una batalla de supervivencia entre dos de los predadores más formidables del mundo: el dragón de Komodo…

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High Drama in the Treetops: Bird Caught in Snake’s Grip Amidst the Canopy – Media Plus Real

Tras convertirse en presa de una pitón, un martín pescador es devorado de un solo bocado ¿Es un pájaro golondrina? Martín pescador es devorado de un bocado después de ser…

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Stunning Wildlife Captured: From Savannahs to the Icy Arctic Circle – Media Plus Real

  camwhitnall kevmorgans ¿Cuántas cabezas ves? Algunas personas no lo entienden, pero para muchos parece que este impala tiene dos cabezas. Probablemente tiene que ver con la forma en que…

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Rosefinches: Nature’s Pink Feathers in Flight – Exploring the Enchanting World of These Vibrant Birds – Media Plus Real

There are roughly 25-30 individual species within the rosefinch genus, all with variations of pink shades. These birds are truly mesmerizing with their pretty pink feathers! There is an entire…

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The Enigmatic Bearcat of Southeast Asia: Unveiling the Mysteries of this Fascinating Creature – Media Plus Real

Binturong: The Enigmatic Bearcat of Southeast Asia The binturong, also known as the bearcat, is a unique and fascinating mammal found in the dense forests of Southeast Asia. With its…

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