Bishop Mariann Budde’s request for mercy displayed fundamental Christian values | Letters

Editor’s Note: The recent prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral drew controversy when Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde asked President Donald Trump to show mercy on marginalized groups, like immigrants and the LGBTQ community. Her words didn’t go unnoticed by either the president, who demanded an apology, and others, such as one Post reader who characterized the bishop’s remarks as boorish, rude and “un-Christian.” The letter, published in the Jan. 24 edition of The Palm Beach Post, prompted a heated response from readers who sided with Budde. Below is a sampling of those letters:

What happened to our values, people?

I read the Jan. 24 Letter to the Editor and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He condemned an Episcopal bishop for preaching humanity, concern, compassion, love and empathy for those afraid of what might happen to them under this new administration, instead of condemning the person creating that fear. Have we sunk so low that we can now attack a renowned religious leader for preaching about fundamental Christian values because a man sitting in the front pew might be offended by her words? Frankly, if anyone should be embarrassed or offended by her words it should be the person they were directed at.

Scott Greenberg, Palm Beach Gardens

Request for mercy, not berating

After reading the Letter to the Editor about Bishop Budde, I re-read her message looking for any signs of “berating” and “dressing down”. There were none. She was asking President Trump for mercy and compassion for fellow human beings — nothing to do with politics, everything to do with Christian behavior. That is not an insult to “the majority of American voters” if we truly are a Christian nation as we claim. I, for one, was glad someone not in the political arena called him out for his mean-spirited and cruel behavior. What were insulting, disgraceful and shameful were Trump’s snarling retort and follow-up.

Jay Leone, Jupiter

Would Trump scowl at Jesus?

If Jesus had preached the same sermon as Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, would he too have been ostracized? It appears even biblical history repeats itself.

O.L. Gilbert, Boynton Beach

Bishop showed Christian character

Given the opportunity to speak directly to the president, Bishop Budde exemplified the true character of Christianity. The gentleman’s understanding of Christianity, would seem to me to be flawed. Compassion is one of the basic tenets of Christianity and should not be limited to the gentleman’s understanding of an appropriate venue.

Dennis Cicotte, Ocala

Trump’s take on immigrants un-Christian

Imagine, praying for empathy at a prayer service. How appalling, how un-Christian, a recent letter writer says.

What is appalling is claiming to be a Christian and calling for the deportation of immigrants who have come here in search of a better life, who do the jobs no American wants to do, and who have assimilated peacefully and productively in our communities.

Ann Malachowski, Tequesta

Kudos to Bishop Budde

Thank you Bishop Budde for invoking the spirit of Christ in your sermon before the President at the National Cathedral; for speaking for the voiceless, for those seeking safety for themselves and their families, for those who are different in any way. Yes, you angered President Trump, who seeks loyalty above all else and, perhaps you shocked his sycophantic pastors and followers who were in attendance. But you provided a ray of light for us, for those striving to be open-armed and inclusive, and your courage is to be commended.

Eleanor Schweitzer, Palm Beach Gardens

Is litigation the next step?

I’m waiting to see how long it will be before President Trump files a lawsuit suing Jesus for the Sermon on the Mount. Especially the part where Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to gain entry into heaven. That doesn’t sit well with the billionaires that Trump surrounds himself with.

William Damato, Boynton Beach

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Pleading bishop displayed Christianity at Trump inauguration | Letters

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