One poignant image encapsulates the profound distress and sadness associated with being abandoned. A Ginger cat was discovered roaming the streets of Philadelphia. A child who found her, seeking to ensure her safety, placed the scared feline into a backpack and brought her to a shelter. She was taken in by the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), and her initial response to human kindness was deeply moving. The shelter shared a photo showing the frightened cat curled up into a ball, burying her head in a volunteer’s arm, attempting to hide from the world.

“She is completely terrified and shut-down despite our best attempts to soothe her,” PAWS mentioned in a Facebook post. “She’s too depressed to eat here.”
Despite her fear, the cat, now named Backpack, allowed some gentle strokes and head rubs, eventually raising her head to look at the camera. It was evident from her expression that her life had been challenging. Her mouth seemed slightly swollen, and her eyes conveyed a poignant mix of sadness and apprehension. Thankfully, she spent the night under the care of PAWS’ veterinary team, and as her photo was circulated, foster applications began to pour in. By Thursday, Backpack was ready to leave the clinic for her new foster home. A subsequent photo showed her in her new environment after she had settled in. She became an entirely different cat!
“Here’s Backpack lounging on her back making air biscuits. Backpack is a part-time lover: she likes attention but doesn’t feel the need to sit on you constantly. She’s quite content to sit next to you purring or falling asleep next to you – belly to the sky,” her foster mom shared.

This transformation after receiving love highlights the impact that care and affection can have. Soon, Backpack was ready for her happily ever after in a forever home. PAWS shared this on their page:
“Backpack, who was too scared in the shelter to show her face. Now happy and comfortable in a new home!”
We are elated for Backpack! Every cat deserves a family! Please consider fostering for your local rescue group today. This adoption wouldn’t have been possible without Backpack’s foster mom.